Daily Stormer
April 5, 2015

A building burns down in Germany? Must be those dag-blasted Nazis again.
A centre for asylum seekers has been set on fire in a suspected arson attack in Germany.
Police are investigating the blaze in the town of Tröglitz, where the mayor quit last month after a far-right protest was held outside his home.
The roof of a house planned to be used by refugees in the town of Tröglitz was destroyed in the fire that broke out on Saturday morning but the two Germans currently living there escaped unharmed.
Joerg Wilkmann, a senior public prosecutor in the city of Halle, said evidence so far suggested it was a case of “serious arson” and he could not rule out the possibility of attempted murder.
The mayor of Tröglitz, Markus Nierth, resigned last month because he feared for his children’s safety after authorities failed to stop a demonstration outside his house.
Members of the far-right National Democratic Party (NPD) were protesting against his plans to provide accommodation for around 40 asylum seekers in the town.