Germany: Bishop Appoints 3 Lay Ministers to Help Trannies, Faggots

Heiner Wilmer, Bishop of Hildesheim

Germany is making everything gayer, yet again.

Last time the Germans made something ultra-gay, the Pope copied it, and introduced it to the faithful globally.

So you can soon look forward to an anal representative at your local church, who will be helping parishioners ram young boys up the ass.

Life Site News:

Bishop Heiner Wilmer of the German Diocese of Hildesheim has appointed three lay “ministers” to offer so-called “queer-sensitive pastoral care.”

According to a press release from the diocese, the lay “pastoral ministers” will “provide support” when two lesbians want to register “their child” (i.e., a fatherless child they have obtained by adoption or surrogacy) for baptism, when a so-called “trans person wants to celebrate their transition with a blessing ceremony or parents of a non-binary child [sic] seek pastoral care.”

If I was a parent of a non-binary, I would seek a gun.

I don’t think counseling, telling the parents to accept their freaks, is going to lead to fewer suicides. Seems like a big waste of money, even if you are pro-asshole.

Contrary to the diocese’s statement, however, no human being is “transgender” or “non-binary,” as there are only two sexes, male and female, which are determined by chromosomes at the moment of conception. Catholic teaching upholds the reality of the sexes and condemns bodily mutilation, such as “transition” procedures, as “against the moral law.” It is never licit to “bless” sinful practices or situations, as Cardinal Robert Sarah has explained.

The Diocese of Hildesheim added that its “queer-sensitive pastoral care will broaden the focus on dealing with gender diversity,” particularly what it referred to as “transgender or intersex people.”

Same guy, surrounded by meatball-shaped mutants. I’m not sure of the context, but it’s most certainly heretical.

The diocese cites its heterodox declaration, “Blessing for this World,” from March 2021, which claimed, “People are an equal part of the Church regardless of their sexual identity. God’s blessing applies to them and their relationships as partners – because it applies to all loving relationships without exception,” it blasphemously stated.

However, the Catholic Church teaches that God’s blessing does not apply to homosexual and other immoral relationships, which are never “loving.” In fact, the Church has always condemned homosexual activity, as it is contrary to the natural law and divine revelation.

It doesn’t teach that anymore!

Nowadays, it’s an anal fiasco!

They do anal blessings in churches all over the world now!

(I do understand that there are still so many good priests, but the official doctrine of the church has been altered to include fisting.)

The Diocese of Hildesheim stated that it seeks to build on the “Blessing for this World” declaration and that it wants to establish “safe(r) spaces” for what it called “queer people under the roof of the church of Hildesheim.”

Bishop Heiner Wilmer is a staunch supporter of the heretical Synodal Way. He was one of the 40 German bishops who voted in favor of adopting a document that contradicts the Church’s moral teaching and falsely states that homosexual acts are not sinful or intrinsically evil.

In April 2020, Wilmer criticized Catholics who he said are “fixated only on the Eucharist” and downplayed the negative impact of public Masses being shut down in Germany during the COVID lockdowns.

Oh yeah, sure. That Eucharist is way overrated. People can just stay homo and do rimjobs on each other, it’s basically the same thing.

Francis has surrounded himself with people who literally claim homosexuality is “not a sin.” This is the context. Those homos at the Vatican write the Pope’s entire program for him, because the Pope is Biden-tier.

If you could get an audience with him, you could easily bully him into wearing a Trump hat.

The more “inclusive” churches get, the fewer people attend. Maybe that’s the point?