Germany: Car Rams Into Crowd, Killing One – Cops Say “Suicide Attempt”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 21, 2018

Germany is successfully managing to label obvious terrorist attacks as just whatever.


A woman was killed and nine other people were seriously injured as a car rammed into a group of commuters waiting for a bus in the western German town of Recklinghausen. Police say the driver might have attempted suicide.

A passenger car suddenly strayed into the oncoming lane and plowed through the people at a crowded bus stop midday on Thursday, the witnesses said, describing the scene as “chaotic.”

Ten people were taken to hospital in serious condition, with one woman later succumbing to her injuries.

The police believe that the collision was intentional, with spokeswoman, Ramona Hörst, saying that were “first indications of a possible suicide attempt by the man.”

The driver survived the crash and was released from his wrecked car by the firefighters. According to other reports, the man wasn’t trapped in the vehicle.

This is lunacy.

In October, someone rammed a car into people on a sidewalk and they said the driver had “health problems.”

That’s at least like “oh, okay, maybe he had a seizure or something.”

But a suicide attempt?

It is very easy to kill yourself driving, and one of the many ways of doing that is not driving your car up on a sidewalk filled with people.

Even making that claim shows what the German cops think of the people of Germany – not very much.

Of course, the cops themselves go along with it because Germans will go along with absolutely anything the government tells them to do. They will round-up all of the Jews and ship them off to camps if the government says so, or they will flood their entirety of Europe with Moslems and destroy all society if the government says so.

I can see the justification within the police as being “oh well, we don’t want to give the terrorists publicity, so we’ll just say they’re not doing terrorism.”

For whatever reason, terrorism does really tend to bother people – much more than murder-rape epidemics. So there is certainly a need to cover it up when you’re in the process of transforming a country into an Islamic State.