Germany Claims Only 3.6 Million More Moslems by 2020

The New Observer
February 26, 2016

The German government today voted in new asylum “rules” which it claims will restrict family reunifications for “rejected asylum seekers”—while at the same time its Economic Affairs ministry issued a report says that at least 3.6 million new invaders will enter the country by 2020.

Under the new rules, passed by 429 votes for and 147 against in the German Bundestag, the right to “family reunion” for rejected asylum seekers who still cannot be expelled because they “risk torture or the death penalty in their own country” will be “restricted.”



This is, of course, more nonsense from the Merkel regime. It is currently a rule that anyone under threat of “torture” in their home county qualifies for asylum anyway—and this means that the new “rule” has been created to address a situation which does not even exist.

It also reveals the accuracy of earlier predictions that it is the intention of the government to allow the current—and expected—set of invaders to get “family reunification” rights. This will result in the actual numbers of invaders in Germany increasing exponentially, as each “asylum seeker” is estimated to be able to bring anywhere between four and eight or more “family members” to Germany once they have qualified for asylum.

The Bundestag also approved a new “rule” which “lowers the hurdles” for the expulsion from Germany of any foreigner convicted of a crime. This is also nonsense, because it has already been shown that convicted foreigners are hardly ever expelled anyway, because the Third World nations from which they come either refuse to take them back or simply are incapable of receiving them.

Finally, the new “rules” also include a “speeding up” of the asylum application process, with the aim of quickly processing those nonwhites who had “little prospect of winning refugee status.”

Once again, this new “rule” is also meaningless, as almost none of these “economic migrants” as they are called, are sent back, for the same reason that the convicted criminals get to stay.

The rights to “family reunification” are significant because, according to a report in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, a new projection by the German Ministry of Economic Affairs has said that it expects approximately 3.6 million nonwhite invaders will have entered Germany by 2020.

This estimate confirms the projections made late last year by Professor Adorján F. Kovács from the Goethe-Universität at Frankfurt am Main, who said that there would be between three and four million “refugees” in Germany by 2020.

Professor Kovács went on to point out that each of these “refugees” would be allowed “family reunification” which would at the very least quadruple their numbers.

Because the majority of invaders are in the twenty to thirty-five year old age range, they, together with their “family reunification” numbers, would mean that by 2020, they will form an outright majority of people in Germany in that age group.

This would in turn mean that within one generation after that, Germany will become a majority nonwhite country, resembling the Middle East.