Germany: Eritrean Attacks People with Beer Bottle Hours After Being Released for Having Done the Same Thing

Looks like it’s back to the police station for this gent.

If sitting in the naughty chair for 15 minutes to think about what he did didn’t work the first time, it’ll surely work the second time.

Infowars Europe:

An asylum seeker in Germany was arrested for attacking people with a beer bottle hours after police released him for doing the same thing.

The Eritrean migrant’s Saturday night attacks in Magdeburg were seemingly carried out with “no reason,” reports local media.

Police first arrested the 27-year-old migrant after he fled from a crime scene where he allegedly attempted to stab a man with a broken beer bottle he had previously used to beat a man with.

“It turned out that the asylum seeker was under the influence of alcohol and drugs,” reports Junge Freiheit. “After consultation with the prosecutor, however, the police dismissed him.”

Only a few hours later, the migrant was arrested again after throwing another bottle of beer at a group of people and using the broken bottle to attack a man.

Interestingly, authorities were already familiar with the asylum seeker for “cases of personal injury and narcotics” and for being involved in a brawl in March.