Germany: Female Islamic Extremists Defending the Faith Online

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 27, 2017

While white women are bum-rushing Baby Jesus in an attempt to bring down Western civilization once and for all, Islamic women are preaching their religion on the internet to bring down Western civilization once and for all. The latter are being loyal to their own men, while the former are being loyal to the latter’s men.


Germany’s intelligence services have identified an Islamist terrorist network made up of 40 women. Female extremists with hundreds of Facebook followers are increasingly filling the gap left by their imprisoned husbands.

Burkhard Freier, the head of the North Rhine-Westphalian Office for the Protection of the Constitution, told Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper that the local female extremist network of “40 sisters” followed a strict Salafist doctrine —informing their advice on everything from raising children to interpreting the religious rules of Islam and stirring up hatred against so-called “non-believers.” The network was active on the internet, determined to proselytize their Salafist ideology (an ultra-conservative interpretation of Islam) aggressively to other would-be members.

“The women are now ideology promoters,” Freier said.

Additionally, the women indoctrinate their own children from an early age. “This makes Salafism a family affair,” and the result, Freier said, could be something “much more difficult to dissolve, namely Salafist pockets within society.”

What’s worse is that these female extremist leaders, some of whom have several hundred Facebook followers, now have a new role in society, feeling accepted and included. “The men have realized that women can network much better and are therefore more capable of expanding the scene and keeping it active,” Freier said.

Although not every Salafist is a terrorist, “every jihadist terrorist we’ve seen in Europe in recent years came from the Salafist scene,” Focus Online reported, citing the official. “There is an increasing number of minor Salafists fantasizing about violence,” he added.

There are layers of meaning to be taken from this:

Versus this:

Part of it is certainly that white women don’t respect their own men as much as Moslem women respect their own men because white men have been so cuckolded.

But part of it is also surely that white women are just naturally rebellious and hateful. Specifically so. Because there is nothing more beta than Asian men, and their women are not rebelling against them and trying to bring down their civilization.

We have a situation where even women claiming to be devoted to a right-wing, pro-white ideology are actually just obsessively trying to overpower and destroy men, using the supposed devotion to that ideology as a means to hurt us.

Of course, our women are our women and it is just something that we are going to have to deal with and continue to deal with, regardless. But we need to understand that they are unique in their viciousness and hatred and that we must be equally fanatical in our management of these vile creatures.