Germany: Five Cities See Stabbing Attacks on the Same Day

Moslem crimes are becoming so common in Germany that fewer and fewer international media outlets are covering them separately anymore.

Instead, the crimes are increasingly getting bunched together into single articles, a kind of “greatest hits” of haji enrichment for the week (or day, in this case).

Now that’s what I call progress!


Earlier this week five German cities saw stabbing attacks on the same day with several hospitalised and at least two migrants declared suspects in connection with the attacks.

The first attack occurred in Cologne at around 4:40 am Sunday and came about following a dispute at a local hookah bar. As the dispute became more aggressive, violence broke out with one of the men involved stabbing another man several times with a sharp object, forcing him to require emergency surgery to save his life, German tabloid Bild reports.

Police later said they arrested a 26-year-old in connection with the case and that both of the individuals involved at the time were heavily intoxicated.

In the town of Lingen in Lower Saxony, another attack took place involving a 44-year-old woman who was dragged off her bicycle by two men and injured with a knife. The men soon fled the scene after the woman cried out for help.

Police in the area say they are investigating the attack as a possible attempted homicide but have not been able to identify the two attackers beyond claiming them to be adolescents.

Another woman, an 18-year-old was attacked in Nuremberg at around 5 am after meeting up with her 21-year-old friends in what is believed to have been a random act of violence. The victim later gave a description to police who soon arrested a 25-year-old Iraqi asylum seeker in connection with the knife attack.

Another man described as having an Arabic background is wanted by police for a stabbing in Mülheim an der Ruhr along with four other suspects. The victim claimed that he had been lured to the site of the stabbing by an acquaintance and was then attacked on arrival.

The suspect in the final knife attack in Frankfurt, a 19-year-old, phoned the police and gave himself up after he is alleged to have been involved, along with seven others, in the stabbing of a 22-year-old who was hospitalised.