Germany: Former Jew Council Head Says “Anti-Semitism is in the Heart of German Society”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 1, 2018

Jews often say things that are not true but which I wish were true.

Jerusalem Post:

The former head of the Central Council of Jews in Germany said in a Friday interview that antisemitism is spreading rapidly in the country, raising alarm bells about the future of Jewish life in the federal republic.

Charlotte Knobloch, a Holocaust survivor who headed the council from 2006 to 2010, told the Heilbronner Stimme newspaper that “Antisemitism [is] in the heart of German society.”

Knobloch, who is currently the president of the Munich Jewish community, added that Jewish life can only function “in public with police protection and under the most serious security precautions.” She cited the example of the authorities who canceled a Hanukka festival in the city of Mülheim because security could not guarantee protection for the participants.

Wow such oppression.

Maybe you should live in your own country then, bitch.

Knobloch, who played a key role in advocating for the passage of an anti-BDS bill in Munich in December, added that “Jewish institutions, synagogues, and cemeteries are frequently damaged.”

She described a daily climate of “aggressive antisemitism” that exists in Germany, where there are nearly 100,000 registered members of the Central Council of Jews.

Knobloch said antisemitic violence, including physical attacks, are part and parcel of German society. She called on the German government to employ a commissioner for antisemitism. “Antisemitism has been strengthened from the right and left and in the Muslim community,” said Knobloch.

This is once again a Jew conflating the anti-Semitism of Islamic immigrants with that of the local population.

A rally of anti-Semites in Germany

Germany still, to this day, has extremely low level of anti-Semitism among her native people. The anti-Semitism that exists is by the migrants, which it was actually the Jews who demanded be brought into the country.

Here is the Jewish-German politician Gregor Gysi saying that all Germans are Nazis and so have to be replaced with Moslem immigrants – just as an example.

So the Jews are attacking ethnic Germans for failing to curb the anti-Semitism of the Moslems that Jews told them they had to flood themselves with.

That is quite a thing, no?

This is really why people do hate the Jews. It’s because of their behavior, which is consistently abusive.