Germany: Four Moslems Attack, Hospitalize Nine Strangers in Bavarian Town “For No Reason”


Nice fairytale town you’ve got there, Fritz.

Are you sure you can’t squeeze in a few Islamics tho, just to prove you aren’t racist?

Everything will be – *rubs hands* – fine, I promise you.

Bild (Google Translate):

According to police, four young people in Amberg, Bavaria, have hit passers-by for no reason and injured several of them.

Nine people had to be treated in the hospital, according to police.

According to the police, the four young men (two Afghans, one Iranian and one Syrian aged 17 to 19) began their fight on Saturday evening in the Amberg railway station area. According to the police, they indiscriminately beat an arriving traveler several times in the face.

A few minutes later, they beat another two passers-by on the station forecourt, again at random. A police spokesman: “At 20:45 clock in the station street by the same offenders group again brutally and baseless passer-bys. The passers-by tried to escape the perpetrators.”

Without success: A passer-by was “thrown to the ground and massively beaten and kicked.”

The perpetrators were then able to flee to the old town first. Shortly thereafter, the men hit again and injure a total of six more people.