Germany: Haji Cyclist Kills White Man Because “He was in the Way”

I have mixed feelings about this crime.

On the one hand, the Turk killed the German. On the other hand, the German was in the Turk’s way…

There’s blame on both sides.

Voice of Europe:

A 40-year-old German man was murdered because he was in the way, when a 28-year-old Turkish cyclist passed by. The pedestrian died yesterday in hospital.

The Turk beat the man from Hanover into a coma. He later died from his injuries. The 28-year-old dismounted his bicycle and attacked the pedestrian in Limmer Street in Hanover’s Linden-Nord district, because he had allegedly obstructed him as he crossed the street.

The martial artist struck the 40-year-old several times in the face leaving the victim unconscious. The man hit the ground being left with severe head injuries. Although passers-by immediately provided first aid, the pedestrian fell into a coma and did not wake up.

The crime took place on Monday, Ilja T died on Thursday. Meanwhile, police are investigating the Turkish-born cyclist for manslaughter.

According to prosecutor Kathrin Söfker, the attacker has martial arts experience: “He must know that such blows cause serious injuries”, she told newspaper HAZ.

According to investigators, the perpetrator may have been under the influence of drugs. However, blood test results are still pending.