Germany: Hajis Show Up at Nude Beach, Threaten Extermination

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 24, 2016


Before making any judgments, we have to understand that just like screaming about Allah is part of their culture, so is threatening mass murder.

And every culture is exactly the same, so this cannot be wrong.


We have had to wait a long time for bathing weather. For that reason last Wednesday lots of bathers made a rush for the Südsee in Xanten. But what happened in the nudist area made many bathers afraid, including families with young children.

A group of young men insulted the guests in the most horrible way, women especially. “They insulted us, swore at us and even spat on us,” says a reader, who did not want to to give her name out of fear. “They said we women were all whores and they would wipe us out, that’s literally what they said.” In the meantime the young men were constantly shouting “Allahu Akbar”.

The fear of the bathers in the leisure was so great that no one intervened – “we were glad when the men finally went away,” said the mother of a family. Nonetheless she emphasised these were definitely not refugees. “The young men spoke very good German and have undoubtedly been living here for a long time,” the 53-year-old said with confidence. “But this contempt, this potential for aggression really was frightening.” Other bathers said that the men had already been on the beach on Tuesday and there too had created a stir by insulting people.

Translation via Diversity Macht Frei.