Germany: Heroic Syrian Freedom Fighter Lashes Out Against Oppressive Badge Fags

The nerve of these krauts, stopping this Arabian street urchin just to ensure he had the “right” ID.

Remember: Germans did the whole “PAPERS, PLEASE” thing to the Jews in the 1930s as well, and we all know how that ended up.

This innocent refugee was right to fight back against such tyranny.


A 22-year-old Syrian asylum seeker was arrested in the German city of Augsburg for injuring four police officers after they attempted to identify him in a routine check.

The Syrian was initially stopped by German Federal Police just outside the main train station in Augsburg in what started as an initial routine identification stop, but quickly escalated out of control when the man began attacking the officers, who had confronted him after the found he was wanted for 450 euros’ worth of property damage, Presse Augsburg reports.

Initially, only two officers were attacked but as the migrant continued with his assault another two officers joined their colleagues to subdue him. The officers suffered injuries to their faces, arms, legs, and torsos but none were injured to the extent that they required hospitalisation, and continued their duties after the arrest took place.

Will these Germans ever give up with the Nazism?

Will badge niggers ever ease up with the badge-niggering?