Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 28, 2014

My feelings toward “hipsters” are mixed.
While they come across as nihilistic and often faggy, they are also edgy enough to be open to the type of ideas we are trying to sell.
Hipsterism is the bottom of critical theory, where everything has been deconstructed to the point where nothing has any meaning and thus any idea is acceptable. At the same time, those without meaning desire meaning. As such, it is not surprising, completely, that a new generation of National Socialists are apparently – allegedly – emerging from the hipster scene of that country.
I also don’t mind their music too much. Or rather, I don’t mind all of it.
Some of it is pretty weird.
The neo-Nazi movement has collided with the hipster subculture in Germany to form a group of youths wearing beards, trendy tote bags, and bandanas stitched with Nazi slogans. Media has dubbed the fiery mix of Nazi-hipsters “nipsters.”
The new recruits of the far-right movement have taken to YouTube, Tumblr, Instagram, and other social media, as the ‘hipsterfication’ of the neo-Nazi movement has gained more support among youths in Germany. However, they don’t own the term “nipster” on the web – there they have to share the name with Asian hipsters, fans of masculine breasts, and less prominent groups that identify with it.
However, the term in its revised meaning was offered in a fresh report by Rolling Stone magazine, which interviewed Patrick Schroeder from northeastern Bavaria, one of the faces of the Nazi hipster movement who hopes to give it a friendlier social and political face.
Schroeder conducts seminars showing neo-Nazis how they can dress less threateningly, saying that people from other subcultures, including hip-hop, should be able to join the Nazi movement.
“If the definition of the nipster is someone who can live in the mainstream,” Schroeder explained to Rolling Stone, “then I see it as the future of the movement.”
The ‘Nazi fashionistas’ want to be in style by wearing trendy Converses, skinny jeans, tote bags, and brightly colored glasses together with beards.
The Rolling Stone interview is here.
There’s not much information there.
What it appears is that these people are taking on “Nazism” as a means to be edgy, rather than because they understand the ideology. But very quickly when one pretends to be something, he becomes the thing he is pretending to be. This is why most Hollywood actors are sociopaths.

Whatever the case, normalizing National Socialism, even if doing so ironically, can only be good for us, as it removes the boogie-man aspect of it, breaking down walls and making the symbols and ideas more comfortable for the people.
Things are looking up, brothers.
Hail Victory.