Germany: Invasionist Mayor Gets Face Smashed in by Disgruntled Nazi

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 30, 2016


The German government is at war with its own population.

How dare they fight back?


Joachim Kebschull, 61-year-old mayor of the German town of Oersdorf, home to about 900 people, was beaten unconscious by unknown assailants. Investigators say the attack may have been linked to the mayor’s plans to accommodate refugees, local media report.

On the day of the attack, the mayor had received a threatening letter, reading: “He who does not want to hear will have to feel” and “Oersdorf for the Oersdorfers,” Speigel reported.

The mayor, who wanted to allow refugees to move into a property in Oersdorf, a small town in the state of Schleswig-Holstein, has received death threats for months, and the local town hall had to cancel its meetings twice because of bomb threats, the German newspaper said.

Kebschull was on his way to a town hall meeting on Thursday when he was struck on the back of the head with a stick or wooden beam. He lost consciousness and was taken to the hospital.

The assailant fled the scene, with German daily Bild calling the attack “brutal and xenophobic.”

Every time, they have to call people names.

It isn’t working anymore. They’ve over-used these terms. A town of 900 people that doesn’t want 1800 Moslems isn’t “driven by hatred.” There is nothing “hateful” about not wanting your way of life destroyed by parasitic monsters from another country.

But they are driving people to hate. Because they are leaving them without a choice.

Nazism was the fault of the Jews the first time, and it will be there fault the second time. All it ever was was a protection mechanism. You can only push people for so long.