Germany: Iraqi Scalps Janitor with Machete After Dispute Over Defective Sprinklers

FFS krauts, get those sprinklers working.

This Moslem needs his annual shower!

Infowars Europe:

A guesthouse in Munich, Germany, was the scene of a brutal attack upon a caretaker by a machete-wielding Iraqi suspect, according to local media.

An argument regarding a defective sprinkler system between the female owner of the boarding house and suspect led to the arrival of a janitor attempting to mitigate the dispute.

“In the course of the verbal altercation, the suspect suddenly punched the janitor with his fists and dragged him into a room where he subsequently attacked the defenseless man with a machete he had taken from a cupboard,” Tag 24 reports. “Several times he hit the head of the 37-year-old with the weapon.”

Local publication Tz also reported on the incident, and a hard-copy photo of the paper has been circulating online.

“The caretaker suffered severe injuries during the brutal attack and his head skin was partially scalped,” Tz reports. “The perpetrator remained in his room after the act of violence and had to be overwhelmed and arrested by special forces police.”