Germany: Islamists Abusing Local Jewish Population

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 1, 2018

Germany beat Hitler. But will it beat Islam?

This is more proof that “da jooz” are not the problem.

The problem is globalist Jews who also work with other globalists all over the world, of every race.

If it was only Jews doing this, then why would they flood Europe with people that hate them?

Doesn’t make sense.


Radical Muslim communities and immigrants harboring extremist views of Israel are contributing to the rise of anti-Semitism on German soil, speaker of the Bundestag Wolfgang Schaeuble warned in a candid interview.

Wolfgang Schaeuble, a German political heavyweight who previously served as the country’s finance minister, argued that combatting anti-Semitism is “a stress test” for Western societies, especially in times when immigration from Muslim-majority countries continues to grip Europe.

While anti-Semitism is “not a specific Muslim problem,” it is still getting stronger “due to migration and the hatred against Israel that is fueled by radical forces in the Islamic world,” he told the Funke media group, as cited by Die Welt newspaper.

Schaeuble, who now chairs the Bundestag, reiterated that some European Muslims are disseminating “an irrational hatred of Jews, also fueled by anti-Zionism,” with the phenomenon spreading in France “but also in Germany.” “Liberal societies,” he posited, must tackle the problem despite “this huge migration.” Defeating hatred of Jews would become “a great stress test for Western democracies” because many in Muslim communities have “strong commitment to anti-Semitism.”

The Bundestag president was speaking just days after Horst Seehofer, a newly-appointed Interior Minister, claimed Islam does not belong in Germany and promised to introduce a fast-track deportation scheme for failed asylum applicants from Muslim states. “We can’t stop the gait of history,” Schaeuble said, adding that “everyone had to deal with the fact that Islam has become part of our country.”

Muslims, for their part, would have to understand “that they live in a country that is not shaped by Islamic traditions,” he stated. But the rest of the population “must accept that there is a growing proportion of Muslims in Germany.”

You see, the regular Joe Jews are just as much of victims of the globalist Jews as everyone else.

And we all share the same enemy: RADICAL ISLAMISM.

Germans are going to learn that the hard way.

After all the years they spent fighting Hitler after he took over their nation, they’ve brought in something even worse than Hitler in the form of RADICAL ISLAMISM.

And if they don’t vote for change, they are doomed.