Germany: Juvenile Court Upholds 99-Year-Old Woman’s Conviction for Killing 10K Jews as a Secretary

Why would she kill all of these Jews?

Didn’t she know that Jews are innocent of all wrongdoing?

Just look at Gaza right now.

The Jews are under a full-scale assault by homophobic babies and they can barely even manage to defend themselves!

Deutsche Welle:

Germany’s Federal Court of Justice (BGH) on Tuesday upheld the conviction of a 99-year-old former concentration camp secretary of complicity in the murder of over 10,000 people.

The woman, identified as Irmgard F. in accordance with German privacy laws, worked as a stenographer and typist at the Stutthof death camp near Nazi-occupied Danzig, now Gdansk in northwestern Poland.

An estimated 65,000 people died at Stutthof. Victims included Jewish prisoners, Polish partisans and Soviet Russian prisoners of war.

In 2022, a juvenile court in Itzehoe in the northern German state of Schleswig-Holstein sentenced Irmgard F. to two year’s probation for complicity in murder in 10,505 cases and attempted murder in 5 cases.

The defendant was tried in a juvenile court as the crimes were committed between 1943 and 1945, when she was only 18 to 19 years of age.

In 2021, she was caught attempting to escape the trial by fleeing her elderly care home.

Listen. If you work as a secretary at a death camp, let the guards do the killing.

Don’t get involved.

Don’t run out into the death/killing area and start doing the killing yourself.

Just let the guards handle it.

That’s the big lesson here.

Efraim Zuroff is very annoying, even by Jew standards