Germany: Man Dressed as Hitler Allegedly Takes Down Two Afghanis

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 19, 2016

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A new Hitler has risen to take on the kebabist invasion.

Or so we are told.

Daily Mail:

Police in Germany are hunting for a man sporting a Hitler moustache who attacked two Afghan refugees with a Nazi helmet before fleeing.

The man verbally abused the pair before attacking them while they were sledding in the mountains of Altenberg, near the German border with the Czech Republic.

There’s where you start to think this story is possibly fake.

Why would Afghani “migrants” be sledding in the mountains?

After he struck them with the helmet, passersby intervened and he then performed a Hitler salute, police say.

One of the victims, who were aged 21 and 26, needed to be hospitalised after the attack, Bild reported.

The paper said the attacker was wearing light blue jeans and a khaki jacket, while he was aged between 25 and 30 and was bald.

Yesterday a 26-year-old Algerian man has become the first person arrested in connection with a string of sexual assaults.

Prosecutors said the unidentified asylum-seeker was arrested at a refugee home in the nearby town of Kerpen over the weekend.

He is accused of groping a woman and robbing her cellphone, prosecutor’s office spokesman Ulrich Bremer told The Associated Press.

Two other Algerian asylum-seekers, aged 22 and 24, were also arrested in Kerpen and the western city of Aachen, respectively, over the weekend, both for robbery, Bremer said.

The number of people accused of committing crimes in Cologne at New Year’s now stands at 21, of whom eight are in detention, he said.

While the incidents were seized on by those in Germany who had already argued for stricter immigration rules, left-wing parties have also voiced concern.

Maybe the new Hitler is real.

But you could see a high-profile story being put out for the purpose of making anti-immigrant people seem nutty. The mustache is over-the-top.

There are no videos, nor are there any videos of witnesses being interviewed (yet).

We know the lengths to which the German government will go to confuse the people as they bury them in kebab. So they would indeed fake something like this, if they thought it would help.

But at this point, it won’t help.

The cat is bagless.

No amount of psychological terrorism, all of this “but you did the six million, goyim,” is going to stop the coming happening.

Germany is mad. And the boiling point has just about been reached. The next major event involving migrants abusing the people is going to result in an explosion.

There is no avoiding that now.

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