Germany May Implement “Partial” Burka Ban

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 19, 2016


As I’ve said before, a burka ban is only useful if it is implemented for the express purpose of angering and dehumanizing the Moslems, leading towards further restrictions and ultimately removing them when you drummed-up significant hatred for them among the general public. If you’re doing it to try and fake integration, it’s pointless.

The German government isn’t going to do anything with a point, I can tell you that.

They’re not even calling for a full ban.


The German interior minister has advocated a partial burqa ban amid a debate on the integration of Muslim refugees. Chancellor Angela Merkel has said that a “completely covered” woman has almost “no chance of integrating” herself into German society.

Ahead of a meeting with regional representatives of the German Conservative Party (DKP), German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere told journalists that wearing a full veil in Germany “has no place in our country and… does not comply with our understanding of the role of women.”

About 5 million Germans are Muslims, making up 5 percent of the total population.

Having met with regional representatives of the Conservatives, the minister said: “We agree that we reject the burqa, we agree that we want to introduce a legal requirement to show one’s face in places where it is necessary for our society’s coexistence: at the wheel, at public offices, at the registry office, in schools and universities, in the civil service, in court.

The Muslim burqa – a full-body covering – “does not belong in our cosmopolitan country,” the interior minister said, stressing that wearing a burqa will be prohibited in certain public places, but not as a cultural practice.

“We want to show our faces to each other and that is why we agree that we reject this. The question is how we put this into law,” de Maiziere said.

In turn, German Chancellor Angela Merkel told the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND) group of newspapers that, in her opinion, “a completely covered woman has almost no chance of integrating herself in Germany.”

The head of the German government did not, however, go as far as expressing unconditional support to the idea of a burqa ban, stressing that “This is a question of finding the right political and legal balance, and Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière has my full support in finding a solution,” reported her as saying.

Most hajis in Europe don’t even wear burkas. This is just to act like these people are eventually going to start acting like human beings, while the French experiment has already proven they will never do that.

The burkini troll in France was sort of funny though.