Germany: Mayhem as Invaders Smash Up Camps

The New Observer
December 1, 2015

Nonwhite invaders living in “refugee camps” in Germany have started smashing up the centers in violent ethnic brawls, confounding their liberal overseers who thought that they were just peace-loving asylum seekers “fleeing violence.”


On the afternoon of Monday, November 30, two nonwhites were injured when a brawl broke out in a Dresden invader center, the Focus news service reported. Six nonwhites were arrested by police when a brawl erupted between gangs of Iraqis and Iranians in the camp. Police were deployed to separate the warring tribesmen.

Earlier on the same day, fifty policemen were called in to quell a mass brawl between rioting nonwhites in Itzehoe, in the southwest of Schleswig-Holstein. Five invaders were hospitalized in the brawl between Syrians and Afghans, and nine were arrested.


On Sunday, November 29, a mass brawl erupted between hundreds of Syrians and Afghans in the hangers of the former Tempelhof airport building in Berlin, which are also now being used as an invader center. Three people, including two security guards, were injured. The police had a large contingent of 120 officers on the ground and arrested 23 rioters.

Earlier on Sunday November 29, a mass brawl erupted between gangs of invaders at a residence in the Berlin district of Spandau. The violence spread and thousands of nonwhites joined in, with the weapon of choice being fire extinguishers with which they tried to beat each other into submission. A large amount of furniture and dozens of windows were smashed in the violence, and at least seven people were hospitalized before a large police contingent quelled the violence.


On Saturday, November 28, a brawl between “Syrians” in the invader camp located in the former army barracks at Stendal in Saxony-Anhalt Klietz erupted, resulting in eight arrests and numerous injuries.

On Saturday November 29, an 18-year old Moroccan “asylum seeker” was arrested after he deliberately burned down the invader center in Huch-Stammeln, near Cologne in North-Rhine Westphalia. The arson was sparked off by a clash with his fellow invaders, two of whom had to be hospitalized with smoke inhalation while a third suffered broken bones after escaping from an upstairs window and falling into the street. The building was completely destroyed.

* Also on Saturday, a female “asylum seeker” was shot dead by another “asylum seeker” in an invader center in Munich. The perpetrator was apparently the woman’s husband, but, as police pointed out, the worry was that the “asylum seekers” appeared to have firearms hidden among their possessions.

* In Baden-Württemberg, a 22-year-old Iranian “asylum-seeker” was arrested on charges of a carrying out a “sexually motivated attack” against a 36-year-old Syrian woman.

Speaking on Sunday after the weekend’s mayhem, Berlin’s Interior Senator Frank Henkel (Christian Democratic Union) issued a grave warning about the riots, saying that “Behind this conflict lies a potential threat to social peace in our city. The violence is unbearable. There are rules in our country.”