Germany: More Than 40 Hajis Rush Migrant Camp Security

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 15, 2016


They’re simply looking for a better life.

Well, racist – how would you react, if someone did a Crusade to you?

Would you just think it was all fine and dandy?


A huge group of between 40 and 50 migrants attacked the security at their asylum camp using fists and stones to beat the guards who were forced to call in local police to quell the riot.

A migrant camp built in an industrial area of the Eastern German town of Hessisch Lichtenau was the scene of a massive wave of violence from up to 50 asylum seekers who turned on the men hired to guard them.

Police were alerted at 10:15pm by the guards who had reported that the situation had gotten out of their control as the migrants set upon them, attacking them with fists and even throwing large rocks at them reports local paper Hessische/Niedersächsische Allgemeine.

According to the official police report, the attack began as a result of many of the migrants being intoxicated after they had drunk too much alcohol. A 20-year-old migrant had returned to the camp around 10pm and had randomly started to throw chairs in a drunken stupor. The guards stopped the drunken migrant who then fled and hid in a nearby toilet.

After dragging him from his hiding place the migrant resisted the security guards and was joined by four other migrant men aged 17, 18 and 29-years-old. The attack brought the attention of 40 to 50 more migrants who took the opportunity to join their fellow inmates, shoving and throwing large rocks at the security who then fled to a safe space where they were able to call the police.

After the police arrived the migrants attempted a show of force at the camps fence, but as the officers approached and told the migrants to go back into their rooms, the violent group dispersed.

The four asylum seekers who started the attack were taken into custody by police. Two were released after questioning and the remaining pair had to be put in jail due to the large quantity of alcohol they had consumed. The situation at the camp was over by roughly 11pm.

Racists will tell you this is like the Planet of the Apes films.

It isn’t.

If Whites had had a Crusade done to them a thousand years ago, they would act exactly like this now.