Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 28, 2014

In order to get a look into the mind of the Antisemite, the Jewish weasel Monkia Schwarz-Friesel, a linguistics Professor at the Technical University of Berlin, read 14,000 letters of hatred sent to the Israeli embassy in Germany.
“I wanted to find out how modern anti-Semites think, feel and communicate,” said this Jewess in an interview with Haaretz. “I wasn’t satisfied with the methodology of asking in a survey, ‘Do you think that Jews are …,” she claimed.
So, she contacted the Jew embassy and gained access to ten years worth of hate mail, sent between 2002 and 2012.
The findings of her and her team were outlined in a book, “The Language of Hostility toward Jews in the 21st Century.” It was published in German last year, and is to be published in English next year.
From Haaratz:
What they discovered is that more than 60 percent of the letters were sent by educated Germans, including university professors. The proportion sent by right-wing extremists was negligible – about 3 percent.
“At first, we thought that most of the letters would be sent by right-wing extremists,” Schwarz-Friesel said. “But I was very surprised to discover that they were actually sent by people from the social mainstream – professors, Ph.Ds, lawyers, priests, university and high-school students.”
She was also surprised to discover that most of the letter writers had no qualms about giving their names, addresses and titles. “Twenty or 30 years ago, that wouldn’t have happened,” she said.
Still another surprise was the fact that there is no significant difference between the extreme right’s anti-Semitism and that of the educated mainstream. “The difference is only in the style and the rhetoric, but the ideas are the same,” Schwarz-Friesel noted.
“It is possible that the murder of innocent children suits your long tradition?” one letter said.
“For the last 2,000 years, you’ve been stealing land and committing genocide,” said another.
“You Israelis … shoot cluster bombs over populated areas and accuse people who criticize such actions of anti-Semitism. That’s typical of the Jews!” declared a third.
Certain key phrases kept cropping up in letter after letter. For instance, many letters sent to the Central Council of Jews in Germany said, “The Jews are doing to the Palestinians exactly what the Nazis did to the Jews.”
Schwarz-Friesel’s training as a linguist helped her identify anti-Semitic motifs even in letters that at first glance seemed innocent. An opening such as “I’m not an anti-Semite, but …” is liable to be a substitute for a general statement about “Jewish” traits, which in itself has anti-Semitic elements.
About 80 percent of the hate mail was anti-Israel. Surveying these letters led Schwarz-Friesel to an unambiguous conclusion: “Today, it’s already impossible to distinguish between anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism. Modern anti-Semites have turned ‘the Jewish problem’ into ‘the Israeli problem.’ They have redirected the ‘final solution’ from the Jews to the State of Israel, which they see as the embodiment of evil.”
The study’s bottom line is gloomy. “Anti-Semitism is embedded very deeply in Western society, even after the Holocaust, all the learning of its lessons and the memorialization,” Schwarz-Friesel said. “For 2,000 years, they fashioned the image of the Jews as the enemy of Christianity and of humanity. That’s not a simple thing that can be erased in 60 years. It’s etched too deeply into the collective memory. Thus people who see themselves as humanists and are familiar with the lessons of the Holocaust permit themselves to express themselves in an anti-Semitic fashion even afterward.”
Now, Schwarz-Friesel is busy with a new study of modern anti-Semitism on the Internet. “It hasn’t been confined to extreme right-wing sites for a long time now,” she said. “It’s also on fairly ‘ordinary’ sites.”
Yes, Jew. It’s all coming down on you now. No one gives a damn and your fake Holocaust gibberish, and they are seeing you for what you really are.
Hatred for you subhumans is not only culturally hardwired into the White race, it is genetically hardwired. You think it is okay not just to kill innocent Palestinian babies and old people, as those writing the embassy have complained about, but you also believe it is okay to promote pornography and homosexuality, even to children. You believe that there is no morality in business, and feel no guilt or shame in abusing the people. You have shown you do not even believe we have a right to exist as a distinct people, as you flood our nations with your hordes.
We do not get along, and we will not. This period of safety you have experienced after inventing this insane story about getting gassed after the soccer game is over. The time is coming quickly when the European people will no longer tolerate your evil among us.
My advice: go back to Israel. Live there, have your own country. That’s what it was for, wasn’t it? To protect you from Antisemites?
2014 is 1932. The jig, my dear, it is up. And these chickens of yours, they are coming home to roost.