Germany: Naturalizations in Berlin More Than Triple in 2024

The incredibly unpopular ruling SPD is already planning to make job quotas for migrants in public services. Think of what this implies.

Hey, did you know you can “become German”?

Yeah, it’s basically like becoming a woman.

The government just gives you a piece of paper and then all of a sudden your DNA is rewritten.


Naturalizations in Berlin have surged dramatically in 2024, more than tripling compared to last year, driven by the liberalization of German naturalization laws.

In the first eight months of this year, 28,716 foreign nationals in the city applied for German citizenship. This sharp rise is linked to a nationwide reform of the citizenship law, which now allows naturalization after just five years of residence in Germany, instead of the previous eight. In some cases, foreigners can apply after just three years.

In 2023, there were 18,018 applications across Berlin’s local authority although only 9,041 naturalizations were carried out.

The new law has also led to a plunge in rejection rates. So far this year, only 17 applications have been rejected in the German capital, a significant drop from the 229 rejections recorded last year.


Unlike last year when the origins of applicants were recorded, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party that requested the 2024 data was advised that this information was not statistically recorded for this year, according to the Berliner Zeitung.

Of the 9,041 naturalization last year, the most common country of origin for applicants was Syria (2,468) followed by Turkey (618) and Iran (353). Just 2,820 applications came from EU nationals.

Nine thousand people is obviously a small fraction of the number of invaders in Germany, but this signals the willingness of the government to move to turn all of these parasites into “Germans.”

At least there’s one type of migrants they don’t want…