Germany Planning to Bring Ten Million More Terrorist-Rapists Into Their Country

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 12, 2016

Well, Germany. You’ve got a choice to make.

No one can make it for you.

If you bury your heads in the sand, you’ve chosen terrorism, mass-rape and Islamization.

Daily Mail:

A German minister claims that only ten per cent of the migrants heading to Europe have arrived as he warned Germany cannot continue to accept people at the rate they have done this year.

CSU Minister Gerd Müller says that the Schengen Agreement – a border-free zone within Europe – has ‘collapsed’ and the only way to deal with the crisis is to support other countries financially.

He warned that Europe can expect 8-10 million more migrants, who can now find out how prosperous the lifestyle enjoyed by its citizens is because of the internet.

Mr Müller told Bild: ‘The biggest refugee movements are ahead: Africa’s population will double in the coming decades. A country like Egypt will increase to 100million people, Nigeria 400million. In our digital age with the Internet and mobile phones, all know about our prosperity and our way of life.

And your Queen Bitch invited them into your country.


The cops have to be nice to them, even when they are committing gang-rape. Because they are invited guests.

‘The people fleeing hunger, misery, violence, and because they see no future for themselves and their families. But we live in a globalized world. We can not build fences around Germany and Europe. When people suffer, they will come.’

A billion Africans can’t be kept out of Germany.

It would be racism. Because of globalism and the Holocaust or whatever. You know. All those things and the stuff.

He added: ‘Only ten per cent of the triggered in Syria and Iraq escape shaft has reached us. 8 to 10 million is still on its way. Those who come to us now, for several years sat in the tent cities, basements or goat stables without water and electricity. It is shameful that the international community is not able to ensure the survival on the spot.’

Here that international community: it is shameful that you Whites as the daddies of the whole world cannot ensure the survival of your global brown dependents.


It’s the White Man’s Burden: you have to feed these infinity Blacks and Moslems.

Mr Müller called on European countries to create a 10billion euro fund to help people that arrive in Europe, fleeing war-torn regions in the Middle East and North Africa.

He also said that Turkey, a crossing point for many migrants, is at capacity and needs the three billion euros it has been promised by Europe, that has not yet been delivered.

The entire purpose of Western Civilization is now to work and pay for Blacks and other non-Whites.

Eventually, these niggas gone be in space. Women will be there too – not as wives and waitresses, but as great scientists.


We just need to work harder to provide special treatment for Blacks and women, and soon this dream will be a reality.

When we finally fix these problems by spending all of our resources on them, Blacks will not rape White feminists in space.