Germany: Police Call for Refugee Camps to be Segregated by Country of Origin

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 30, 2015

German females are particularly welcoming to "refugees." No one is certain why.
German females are particularly welcoming to “refugees.” No one is certain why.

Big trouble in little refugee camp.

Irish Times:

German police have called for refugees to be housed along religious and ethnic lines after a series of mass brawls in emergency accommodation.

Last week, a fight between up to 200 Syrians and Afghans in a Leipzig shelter turned into a running battle with residents using table legs as clubs. In Lower Saxony, police reported about 100 Syrians and Albanians fighting each other with bits of bicycles and other objects. Last month, meanwhile, police arrested 14 people after a melee at a shelter in the eastern city of Suhl, with other incidents recorded in Bonn, Dresden and Trier.

Bicycle parts have always been the weapon of choice for Albanians.

"Chooe your weapon, Albanian dog." -Syrian Guy
“Chooe your weapon, Albanian dog.” -Syrian Guy
"Oh, I've already chosen, Syrian pig." -Albanian Guy
“Oh, I’ve already chosen, Syrian pig.” -Albanian Guy

They should have seen that one coming.

Seriously, what were they thinking allowing these Albanians access to bicycle parts?

Also, why are Albanians in a refugee camp in Germany?

Don’t tell my Greek or Slavic friends, but I actually lived in Tirana for like six months about three years ago.

Tirana is not in a war, but they do check people for bicycle parts when they're entering the club.
Tirana is not in a war, but they do check people for bicycle parts when they’re entering the club.

There isn’t a war there.

Worst thing that happened to me was I got sucker-punched in the back of the head for chatting up some chicks at a bar, but the confrontation was quickly ended because I had already preempted the threat of a potential ambush by telling the bouncers how much I loved Bill Clinton.

With Germany’s forecast of 800,000 refugees this year likely to be rounded up to one million, police have warned politicians in Berlin to intervene before a tragedy takes place.

I think housing separated according to religion makes perfect sense,” said Jörg Radek, deputy head of the German police union, to Die Welt daily. “Our members have reached breaking point.”

Among the many reasons for the violence, police representatives and refugee groups see overcrowding, exhaustion, post-traumatic stress as well as cultural and religious misunderstandings. “When more than 1,000 people from 18 nations live together it has potential for a certain level of escalation, that’s clear to me,” said Maik Mackewitz, mayor of Calden in Kassel.

On Sunday, two separate incidents took place at a shelter there, leaving 14 injured. The first fight, a lunchtime canteen dispute, involved about 60, police said, while a second spat in the evening saw more than 350 involved.

Uh, maybe these people are a bunch of savages?

Has that been considered as a possible cause?

But Let’s Be Real Here

Regardless of Syrians and Albanians beating each other with pieces of bicycles or people urinating on one another, the real problem in Germany is Nazism.

They might not murder and rape, but they do something far, far worse: they feel the emotion of hatred.


Big problem
Big problem

Also not a threat at all are the left-wing terrorists who throw rocks at evil Nazis to support the innocent rapist-pissers against Nazis who threaten the existence of European civilization.

No problem
No problem
No problem
No problem