Germany: Pro-Government Activist Attacks AfD Leader with FROZEN Cake

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 31, 2016

In Jewish opposite world, the government protests against dissidents.


A co-leader of anti-migrant party Alternative for Germany (AfD) has been struck on the head by a frozen cake flung by a far-left activist, a video released on YouTube shows. The politician claims the cake-throwing was “dangerous” and “well-organized.”

The incident took place as the AfD’s Jörg Meuthen was giving a speech in Harburg, Lower Saxony, on Monday.

The video captures the moment a young man approaches the politician with a cake (which was apparently frozen) and threw it right at Meuthen’s head.

The politician was “slightly injured in the head,” police later said in a report, adding that after receiving medical care, Meuthen was able to continue his speech.

The perpetrator caught at the scene was identified by police as a 17-year-old far-left activist. He is now accused of attempted serious bodily harm.

The officers later arrested six more people who were shouting slogans during the AfD event: a woman and five men, all aged 18 except for a 22-year-old male.

Meuthen lamented the attack as “cowardly and dangerous” adding “it had been well organized.”

“I was lucky that the assailant didn’t properly hit me, otherwise I would most certainly be lying in hospital right now,” he said, as cited by N-TV broadcaster.

A “far-left activist” is not really an accurate term in this context.

The term should be “pro-government activist.” Yes, the government itself is far-left, but the action of attacking a dissident was done in support of the ruling establishment.

The Merkel government actually runs programs paying people to organize “protests” in support of it.

Also, who throws a frozen cake? The purpose of that is not humiliation, as is the general purpose of caking, but physical harm. A frozen cake is like a rock. You have to let it sit out for three hours before you can even cut it.

In May, a far-left German politician who said there should be “some limit” on mass Islamic immigration got hit with a cake – this is what is supposed to happen.

But watch the at the video at the top. The frozen cake hits his head like a rock, bounces right off. It could just as easily have been a chunk of cement.

This kid should be charged with attempted murder.

Instead, he’ll probably just get let off completely. Because after all, he was attacking a Nazi.