Shalom Shekelberg
Israeli Jew News Time
July 1, 2014

After starting out by showing Nazi-like brutality to the Portuguese national team, beating them 4-0, and then going on to annihilate the USA, many sports commentators are putting smart money on Germany as the favorite to win the World Cup.
On July 4th, Germany is planning to take down France.
Given the similarities between the present course of the German football team and the 1939 invasion of Poland by Adolf Hitler, Jews are naturally becoming concerned.
Is history repeating itself?

“I didn’t escape from the chimney of the gas chamber 12 times in Auschwitz so that I could watch the Nazis win a FIFA world championship,” said Ira Weinweasel, a 99-year-old Polish Jew Holocaust survivor who now lives in Beverly Hills. “They need to put a stop to this. Israel should bomb Brazil.”
Weinweasel’s view is understandably extreme, given that she herself witnessed the atrocities of the Nazi Holocaust – her entire extended family was made into soap. But experts at Tel Aviv University are not much more hopeful than she.
Dr. Steven Shattak, a professor of Holocaust Marketing, says “First it’s FIFA, then it’s Poland, then here come the trains to the death camp filled with gas chambers.” He added, “I think it would be premature to bomb Brazil right now, but we should be using the Mossad to stop Germany from winning the Cup. We must never let lampshades and soap happen again. Never again. Never, never, ever.”

Experts are particularly worried about the rhetoric coming from the German national team. The coach, Joachim Löw, who has modelled his moustache after the famous Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, has indicated that after winning the World Cup, Germany will need more football pitches to train in, implying that they may need to invade the Slavs for “lebensraum,” and kill all the Jews.
When Germany’s top scorer Miroslav Klose was asked what he planned to do if Germany won the World Cup, he replied “Gas the kikes! Race war now!”
There also is a chance, says Dr. Shattak, that even if Germany is defeated by Mexico in the World Cup, they will decide to take revenge on the whole world and gas all of the Jews in homicidal chambers with insect spray. He also noted that goyim should remember that the Nazi Germans also gassed 5 billion non-Jews, apparently at random, “if the football power of Germany is released on the world, they may end up just gassing everyone,” he said.
Benjamin Netenyahu has stated clearly that if Germany wins in Brazil, he will not hesitate to nuke Europe pre-emptively to protect Jews from being turned into lampshades.