Germany: Shitlord Minister Call on Refugees to be Deported

Daily Stormer
August 30, 2016


I wish this guy was chancellor instead of Merkel.

Germany is a country in which random people get their doors kicked in by the feds for making politically incorrect comments on facebook.

Considering that, even the smallest bit of resistance takes brass balls.

In that case, this guy must have titanium balls – and good bodyguards.

Daily Express:

Bavaria’s finance minister, Markus Söder, said the German people “do not want a multicultural society” and recommended they should be sent back over the next three years.

Mr Söder said integration of those from different cultural backgrounds was “bound to fail”.

Mass killing by ISIS elements

“Different cultural background.”

Yeah, it’s soft to talk about “cultural backgrounds” instead of the obvious fact that these people are savage desert nomads.

But talking about race would mean a jail sentence, so it’s easy to be understanding.

He added: “Even with the best intentions in the world, it will not work to integrate successfully that many people with a completely different cultural background.

“Germans do not want a multicultural society.

“Anyone who wants to live here must adjust themselves to our values and not vice-versa.”

The CSU minister added the asylum seekers pose a security threat because of few details about their background.

He also said many parts of war-torn countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan have been recognised as safe.

The 49-year-old added: “The civil war in Syria will also end sometime soon.

“According to legislation, people have to return home when the reason for fleeing is no longer valid.”


Nobody’s addressing the elephant in the room these days. Even if Europe accepts infinity refugees… Aren’t they supposed to go back once the war is over? I mean, that’s implicit in the word “refugee,” right?


All these cucked politicians are talking about accepting these migrants “fleeing wars,” yet implying we should be keeping them here forever, are really engaging in sick emotional manipulation.

Not to mention that the overwhelming majority of them are from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Africa, rather than Syria or Iraq (and most of the territory in the latter two is now safe).

But this also means that sending all these people back will be quite easy from a legal stand point – if, that is, we get someone with a spine in power.

Germany is a country currently under US occupation. But that could change soon.


“Bring the troops back home.”