Germany: Shock Rise in Female Genital Mutilation! No One Could Have Predicted It!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 19, 2017

At some point, European states are going to give up the absurd hoax that they are going to replace their entire populations with Moslems but that their countries aren’t going to become Moslem countries.

Germany has already done a lot in terms of reverse assimilation. They tell girls to dress differently – the government has paid for ads telling women to wear hijab. Germany and other places in Europe have banned pork. Most European school children learn Islamic prayers.

But you’ll know the switch from “multiculturalism” to “well I guess we’re all just going to have to accept Islam” has happened when they start defending FGM the same way they defend MGM: “oh it’s healthy and safer because it reduces diseases and plus other reasons somehow.”


Germany experienced a sharp increase in the number of women who have been subjected to genital mutilation, which is illegal in the country, an advocacy group has said. There are now more than 58,000 women affected by FGM, 10,000 more than the year before.

The estimate was published Tuesday by the women’s rights organization, Terre des Femmes, who said the increase was largely due to the influx of migrants from countries where female genital mutilation (FGM) is practiced.

“Due to the arrival of migrants from countries such as Eritrea, Somalia and Iraq, we have recorded a huge increase in the number of affected women and threatened girls,” said spokeswoman Charlotte Weil to DPA Tuesday, as cited by The Local.

Furthermore, there is currently more than 13,000 girls in Germany who are at risk of being forced into the procedure by their families, a 4,000 increase over last year, the group said.

“We don’t know of any cases where a girl was mutilated in Germany. It either takes place on a holiday back in their homeland, or during a visit to a practitioner in a city such as Paris or Amsterdam,” Weil added.

FGM is illegal in Germany, but is tolerated in many African countries as well as some in Asia. More than 200 million women worldwide are affected by female genital mutilation, according to Unicef.

While culturally entrenched in some countries, FGM is widely criticized by many health professionals and rights groups. The procedure may cause health problems depending on how exactly it is performed and has no health benefits.


I can promise you that the German women calling these men in are sexually aroused by this news.

This is your world ruled by women. Your no war paradise.

Dear German men: your granddaughters won’t have clits.

But if you won’t stand up and fight based on what you already know, that little factoid isn’t going to change anything, is it?