Germany: Soccer Bus Bombed – Hajis Again

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 12, 2017

If someone bombs something, it’s pretty safe to assume it was Moslems.

We don’t really see anyone else bombing anything. At least since Oklahoma City and the IRA, it’s pretty well only been Moslems bombing things, all across the planet.


German police are investigating an “Islamist link” to the bomb attack that targeted a Borussia Dortmund team bus Tuesday night, as well as looking into an online post claiming responsibility from an “anti-fascist” group.

A number of bombs went off near a German team bus as it transported players to a Champions League quarter-final game.

According to the German newspaper Sueddeutsche, a letter reportedly found at the site opens with; “In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful,” and also mentions the Berlin Christmas market attack.

The unsigned letter references Germany’s military involvement in surveillance operations against the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) as the reason for the attack, reports Reuters, citing Sueddeutsche.

It adds that athletes and other celebrities “in Germany and other Kreuzfahrer nations” would be on a “death list of the Islamic state,” Sueddeutsche reports, which will apply until German Tornadoes are withdrawn and the American airbase is closed at Ramstein.

However, investigators warn that instigators of the attack may have left the letter to mislead prosecutors, the paper reports.

Investigators are also examining a second letter claiming responsibility for the attack that was published online on Tuesday evening by a group named Antifa, a so-called “anti-fascist scene,” which claimed the attack was a “symbol for the policy of BVB [Borussia Dortmund],” reports Reuters citing Focus magazine, referencing neo-Nazi and racist fans of the club.

That… sounds like Nazis trying to frame them, honestly.

I do think it would be funny if Antifa bombed a soccer bus as a “symbol for a policy” and tried to pin it on Moslems with a fake note, but that seems incredibly unlikely.

Seems to me this is pretty cut and dry and the police are just trying to confuse things as their prime directive is to make sure Merkel’s precious little childrens are never, ever held responsible for anything.