Germany: Syrian Refugee Accused of Molesting Six Women

SURPRISE TWIST: He was a writer for the HuffPo!

I wonder what those feminist bitches on the editorial board have to say about their precious pet and his busy brown hands…

Voice of Europe:

Aras Bacho born in 1998 working for both HuffPost and Vice is now accused of sexual harassment and sexual assault of several women and girls. His trial is set to begin on the 23rd of November at the court in Lemgo.

He is accused of six cases in total stretching back from November until December 2017 as well as March, Junge Freiheit reports. Five are said to have happened at the vocational school in Lemgo and one on a bus. His accusers are three of his female classmates.

He allegedly groped the breasts of one of the girls and another’s buttocks multiple times while walking past her. Apparently Bacho was already notorious at the school for allegedly showing pornographic movies on his phone to classmates.

His Twitter account and Facebook fanpage have both disappeared shortly before the deadline provided to him by Junge Freiheit before publishing the article on him.

Other opinion pieces by him told angry Germans to leave the country, donate their money to refugees and provide them with smart phones. It doesn’t end there though, this exemplary refugee often used by the left to fight against “racism” also believes holidaying in the country you fled is normal and is an avid supporter of Merkel and would have voted for her.