Germany: Syrian Refugee from Ghana Calls Woman He Raped a Whore in Court

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 27, 2017

Eric X.

A starving child refugee fleeing the Syrian civil war from Ghana has shown once again we need more integration courses in Germany.


Eric X, from Ghana, was in court on charges of aggravated rape and predatory blackmail.

It is alleged that he used a tree saw to slash open a tent where the couple were sleeping in a nature reserve near Stuttgart and demanded money shortly after midnight on April 2.

They handed over €6 and a music box before he saw the 23-year-old woman. He shouted at her ‘Come you bitch. I want to fuck you’.

He then dragged her out of the tent, threatening her with the saw, preventing the boyfriend from being able to help her.

It is alleged that he then lay a blanket on the floor before raping the woman with the saw close by.

Eric X’s lawyer Martin Moersdorf ordered him to be silent, but he shouted in court: ‘Why should I remain silent, about a case where I don’t know anything about?’

When DNA evidence found on the victim was presented to the court, again he shouted: ‘If the girl claims she has been raped, she must be a prostitute. All who help her in the lie are filthy people.’

Eric X arrived in Europe after crossing the Mediterranean Libya. Before he arrived in Germany, he stayed in the Italian capital of Rome and the city of Salzburg in Austria.

A few years before moving to Europe, he claims that he killed his brother-in-law in a dispute about the inheritance of a family member in Ghana.

Erik X was notified by the German authorities 10 days before the rape of the young woman that he would face deportation to Italy where he had originally entered the Schengen zone as his asylum application had been rejected.

Even though this man raped a woman and only got into Europe through human smuggling after committing fratricide, it would be mean to deport him to Ghana.

Better to send him to another White country.