Germany Takes More Migrants Than All Other Countries Combined

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 18, 2016

Germany takes in more of these “migrants” from the Middle East and Africa than all other countries combined.

One should perhaps ask why this is. It is an interesting question for asking, methinks.

The answer, by my account, is rather simple: Germany is the country that the Jews hate the most. Because Germany is the one country that organized against them, and had a plan to remove them once and for all.


Jews have a very long collective memory, and think of peoples in collective terms. They are still talking about the Romans as the epitome of white Christian civilization, the archetype of what they fear and loath, even while Rome hasn’t existed for a thousand and a half years.

Jews are the singular force behind the invasion agenda. Even while women are perhaps more prominent in pushing this agenda, it is Jews that manipulate their emotions with their propaganda.

A woman didn’t spam the picture of Beach Boy all over the internet.

beach boy omg so sad

Women simply responded to the image. It was the Jewish media that triggered these women, claiming that the only way to protect more of these little babies was to flood Europe with millions of full grown Islamic terrorist/rapist/drug dealers.

It is the Jews who have pushed the moral framework which ultimately justifies this invasion. By pushing feminism, they have promoted feminine values over masculine values, they have feminized men while also giving ultimate moral authority to hysterical, unhinged women. And thus morality has shifted from its natural purpose, which is to promote what is good for the people, to the feminine purpose of promoting compromise as a means to avoid conflict.

This new moral order is marked by dogmatic sentimentality, where rather than principles applied logically to objective data, right and wrong is determined by the immediate emotional response to isolated images and childlike simplifications.

And thus, instead of “what will be the consequence to our society of importing millions of Moslems?” we are asking “how will it make us feel to import millions of Moslems?”

And yes, the Holocaust myth certainly plays a role in this. The German people are told that in order to make amends for the actions of their ancestors, they must destroy their own society. But that logic only works within the feminine mode of looking at the world.


Jewish morality is what needs to be overcome in order to save the West. We must put aside sentimentality and ask the question: “what is good for us and our children?”

That is why the return of white masculinity is at the core of our revolution.