Germany: Teen Girl Needs Surgery After Being Violently Enriched by Syrian Child

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
June 9, 2018

Well, you can’t make an omelette without forcibly breaking a few hymens.

It was her fault anyway for not wearing a burka.

Voice of Europe:

A brutal rape of a German teen has shocked the city of Chemnitz. A Syrian refugee attacked and raped a 15-year-old German girl in a cellar. The young girl was so badly injured that she needed surgery, tabloid Bild reports.

The contact started on Facebook and after a while the two met in the city centre of Chemnitz, where the 18-year-old lives in an apartment. In the cellar, the young man is said to have attacked the girl at around 1:30 pm, raping her and severely injuring her. He then fled.

The 15-year-old, who normally lives in a youth home, managed to return and alarmed a caregiver. “In the hospital she needed surgery and wasn’t heard until Sunday,” the chief prosecutor says.

The 18-year-old Syrian came to Germany three years ago. Authorities say he is registered as an asylum seeker. Formerly, he was only known to the police for minor offenses such as driving in the dark.