Germany: Teen Ugly Slut-Nerd Jihadess Gets Six Years for Slitting a Cop’s Throat

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 21, 2017

Just another exciting day in diverse Germany!


Daily Mail:

Prosecutors have demanded six years in jail for an ISIS-obsessed Muslim schoolgirl who slit the throat of a German policewoman when she was stopped in a routine check.

The officer nearly died after being attacked by the 16-year-old, who has Moroccan parents.

The girl, identified only as Safia S, was convicted this week of attempted murder and supporting a foreign terrorist organisation.

A second suspect, identified as Mohamad Hasan K, 19, was charged with failing to report the planned assault which left the police officer fighting for her life.

Prosecutors are demanding three years behind bars for the German-Syrian national, when sentences are handed down next Friday.

Safia was 15 when she pulled a knife from her clothing in February last year when she was stopped during a routine police check at Hannover main railway station.

Police said later the teenager was ‘frustrated’ because she could not get to Syria to fight with her jihadist idols.

Prosecutors said at the trial – which was held behind closed doors because she is a juvenile – she was ‘motivated by members of ISIS in Syria to commit this act’.

Police said at the time: ‘As she was politely pulled to one side to confirm her identity a knife appeared lightning quick in her hand and our colleagues had little chance to defend themselves. This was an Islamic attack against our officers.’

One officer suffered a huge knife wound to her throat and was only saved by an emergency operation lasting several hours.

The police spokesman said: ‘It is a miracle that she survived at all.

Yeah, I wonder what her motivation for going to Syria was…

It’s a total mystery.

Must have been religious devotion, I guess.

The really shocking thing is that even after being raised in Germany and going through their education system, she was still a terrorist.

I guess the solution is clear: mo money fo dem programs.