Germany: The Most Important Thing is to Educate Refugees About the Holocaust

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 16, 2017

Although burning Jewish flags is a great idea, spraying an open flame with lighter fluid is not. 

Germany is a nation which exists to serve Jews.

The Jews told them to flood themselves with infinity brown men from Islamistan so they would breed with their women and wipe out their bloodline.

Now, the brownies they brought in are planning to wipe out the Jews.

What to do? 


After a wave of anti-Israeli protests, German authorities feel arriving refugees and migrants must be firmly reminded of the country’s responsibility to the Jewish state accrued during the Nazi Holocaust.

Anti-Israel and anti-US rallies and the sight of Israeli flags burned on German streets have triggered the German politicians’ concerns. All people who live in Germany must understand its historical responsibility to Israel, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier said on Friday at an event marking the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Jewish state.

Germans actually believe that they have a inherited blood duty to serve Jews because of this supposed historical event, by the way.

It is a fundamental part of their character as a people, permeating every aspect of society.

This responsibility does not end for the people who were born [after the Holocaust] and has no exceptions for the immigrants,” he said, adding that it is “not a subject to discussion for anyone living in Germany or willing to live there.” Justice Minister Heiko Maas took the idea further, suggesting that the issue of Holocaust should be a central part of the German integration courses for refugees and migrants.

“I believe it is absolutely necessary to make Holocaust and its significance for our society a central topic in our integration courses,” the minister said in a piece written for Der Spiegel weekly. “Lessons learnt from the Holocaust must become the key message of those [courses],” he added. At the same time, the minister pointed out that the German authorities would not tolerate any form of anti-Semitism, including that brought to Germany by refugees and migrants from the Middle East.

Racism has no place in Germany, so everyone who wants to stay in Germany for the long term needs to be clear that we fight the Neo-Nazis’ anti-Semitism and we won’t tolerate any imported anti-Semitism from immigrants either,” Maas said. “Those who call for ‘death to Jews’ should not [be allowed to] take to the streets but should be taken to court instead,” he added.

Note that rape is okay though.

The fact that a German would believe that an Arab would care about the Holocaust at all, let alone buy into the type of guilt that it has been used to inflict Germans with, shows how deluded the German people are about who they’ve brought into their country.

“Hello good sir, and welcome to Germany. Allow me to inform you about the six gorillion Jews my grandfather gassed to death with insect spray in fake shower rooms and turned into lampshades.”

An Arab who gets taught about the Holocaust is either going to think it is a good idea, that it is a lie the Jews made up, or that it is both. They are biologically different than white people, and the Holocaust mythology is a psychological weapon specifically targeted at white people. No one on earth but whites would want to destroy themselves because of alleged “human rights violations” their committed against their blood enemy 3 generations ago (not to mention the fact it was not the ancestors of the Arabs that did it anyway).

The childish idiocy of “we’ll stop them from wanting to kill Jews by teaching them about the Holocaust” represents an innocence that would almost be endearing if it wasn’t so pathetic and evil.

Anyway. It will be fun to keep an eye on this story. But I think the German Moslems’ response to a Holocaust education course is going to be as covered up as their rape rampages.