Germany: Turkey Orders EU to Defund Armenian Genocide Production

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 26, 2016

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How can Europe survive if they refuse to obey the orders of the Turkish government?

As if writing a nasty poem about the Supreme Leader of Turkey wasn’t enough, now the filthy infidel pigs of Germany are accusing them of committing a genocide against the Armenians.

Rightfully, Erdogan, who has recently been made the leader of Europe, is asking that this terrible lie be squashed by the EU. Obviously, everyone involved deserves to be prosecuted.

The Independent:

A German orchestra has claimed Turkey tried to make them take the word “genocide” out of a concert marking the massacre of Armenians by Ottoman forces during the First World War.

Markus Rindt, the director of the Dresdner Sinfoniker orchestra in Dresden, east Germany, claimed Turkey’s delegation to the European Union demanded the European Commission withdraw 200,000 euros (£155,000) in funding for the concert which will use the term “genocide” in texts sung and spoken during a planned show on 30 April.

Monday marks the 101th anniversary of the beginning of what Armenia calls the genocide of 1.5 million people between 1915 and 1917 by the ruling Ottoman Empire.

Many international bodies, including the European Union, recognise the massacre – which saw able-bodied men being massacred and women, elderly and children being forced to march into the Syrian desert – as a genocide and many modern historians say the 1.5 million figure is roughly accurate.

But Turkey has repeatedly denied claims that the killings were a systematic genocide, saying many died on both sides as a result of ethnic clashes and a deportation programme. and put the number of dead at around 300,000.

It is currently illegal in Turkey to call the killings a genocide.

Mr Rindt said the Commission had decided to maintain its financial support but asked the orchestra to remove the mentions of “genocide”.

It’s unbelievable that the EU would be willing to continue to fund an organization which is not approved of by the government of Turkey. Simply forcing them to censor their artistic work to appease the Turkish government is not even close to enough.

Turkish law is the Supreme law of Europe, as we recently saw when Angela Merkel decided to prosecute a comedian who wrote a mean poem about Erdogan.

The infidels of Sweden are perhaps even worse in their refusal to recognize the new Supreme law of Europe as dictated by Turkey.


Turkey’s embassy in Stockholm asked Sweden’s TV4 television network to pull a documentary on the mass killings of Assyrians by the Ottoman Empire because the film “will fail to serve the principle of objectivity.”

Ahead of Sunday evening’s scheduled broadcast of a documentary titled “Seyfo 1915 – The Assyrian Genocide,” TV4 said it received an email from Turkish embassy press officer Arif Gulen, in which he opposes the film’s use of the term “genocide,” which is often used to describe the tragic death of as many as 275,000 Assyrians at the hands of Ottoman Turks during WWI.

The letter, which was subsequently published on TV4’s official website, asks the station to “reconsider your decision on broadcasting of the… documentary film with a balanced and sensible attitude,” while cautioning that “only a competent international tribunal can determine whether a particular event is genocide.”

His statement provoked a sharp reaction from the broadcaster, which denounced Gulen’s attempt to pressure the channel to cancel its broadcast, and aired the documentary.

Absolutely unbelievable.

Do they have no respect at all for authority?

Merkel is working hard to enforce Turkish rule over Europe, but she simply isn’t doing enough. Someone needs to shut all of this down and prosecute all of the people involved.

But don’t be too disheartened. Soon, many European countries will have a Moslem majority which will be able to enforce the policies of Turkey in Europe. Turkey will also soon be an EU member, which will allow tens of millions of Turks to flood the continent and enforce the rule of Turkish law.