Germany: Two Afghan Youths Pin Down and Rape 15-Year-Old in Public Toilet

Mohammad F.

First they rape you, then they pay your pensions.

These young Moslems have already got the rape part out of the way, so it’s all pension paying from here on out.

Pretty sweet deal for Germany, really.

Voice of Europe:

Mohammad F., one of two men, aged 21 and 18, who are accused of pinning down and raping the girl, is in police custody. His accomplice is said to have come to Germany as a refugee.

The 21-year-old Mohammad and an acquaintance followed the young girl then dragged her into the public toilet at a playground in Königs Wusterhausen, just outside of Berlin.

There he raped the girl whilst his accomplice pinned her down. The girl reported the rape to police two days later and she was so traumatised questioning had to be stopped and resumed the following day, at which time she named the main offender.

The following night, investigators arrested Mohammad F. and he remains in custody.