Germany: Two African Child Refugees Give Paramedic Severe Brain Injury

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
June 26, 2018

Without German paramedics getting enriched with severe brain injuries Gemany will never be diversified with the vibrant culture of spear chucking.

It’s a necessary evil for the good of Sweden.

Voice of Europe:

Two migrants have attacked the crew of an ambulance in Ottobrun. The emergency doctor suffered a broken jaw, brain injuries and lost several teeth, Abendzeitung reports.

The emergency vehicle drove up to the nursing home on “Ottostrasse” to assist emergency responders and responders from the Ottobrunn fire brigade, who were treating a life-threatening illness there.

While the emergency services of the fire brigade was in the building, the emergency ambulance vehicle of the hospital Neuperlach arrived.

At that moment, a 20-year-old African migrant attacked the vehicle and threw a full bottle of whiskey on the window on the passenger side of the vehicle from about one and a half meters away.

The bottle broke through the window, hit the emergency doctor sitting in the car in the middle of the face and knocked out several teeth.

She suffered a broken jaw, traumatic brain injuries and facial cuts. The paramedic who drove the vehicle, suffered light cuts from the splintering of the glass.

The migrant duo, who were violent earlier that evening, are a 17-year-old Ethiopian and a 20-year-old Eritrean who are said to be unaccompanied ‘refugees’.