Germany: Two-Thirds Want Ficki Ficki Master Merkel Out

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 12, 2016


“Let them eat kebab.” -Angela Merkel on her governing stratagem.

Slowly but surely, Germany is getting their crap together.

Still though, one has to wonder: who is the 1/3rd that actually wants Merkel to remain and continue destroying Germany?


Almost two thirds of the German electorate are disappointed with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s policies and would not support her candidacy for top office in elections that are due to take place next year, a recent poll has shown.

Some sixty four percent of those polled by the INSA institute for Cicero magazine are against Merkel’s potential fourth term in the Chancellery. The next German federal elections to the Bundestag, while yet to be scheduled, should take place no later than October, 22, 2017, to determine proportional representation in parliament and appoint the new Chancellor.


By October of 2017, she’s going to have given citizenship to 20 million New Germans.

You can add to that the tens of millions of Turks she’s invited in, which she will probably allow to vote.

Discontent with Merkel’s rule is equally spread throughout the nation, with 63.8 percent opposing the Chancellor in the west of Germany and 64.8 percent in the east. Furthermore out of the 2,048 people polled between May 4 – 9 May, those in the 45-54 year old category rejected Merkel’s policies by 70 percent.

The new poll also revealed that the lower the income and the level of education of the respondents, the less likely they were to support the extension of Merkel’s reign. Among the Germans with no education, some 74.8 percent said no to a fourth term. Similarly, the people with less than 1,000 euros a month rejected Merkel by 74.2 percent.

That’s because they’re the ones dealing with these monkeys.

There aren’t any “asylum seekers” in the ivory towers.

Although, rich people’s daughters are still getting the ficki ficki on the street. Everyone has to walk on the street.

The INSA results indicates a major fall from grace on the part of the Chancellor, mainly due to her handling of the migrant crisis which has beset Germany in recent months. People are also apparently opposed to closer ties with Turkey.


Reality has set in.

And people are rightfully freaking out.


The Walking Dead is real life now.

But what’s the solution now?

Could you clear these people out without a race war?

Probably today you could. But by this time next year, there will be too many of them.

You’ll have Iraq-style urban warfare on the streets of every city in the country. Or you’ll have submission (Islam means “submission”).

Unless this is dealt with very soon, those are the only two options.