Germany: Vibrant Enricher Says “I Hate All German Women,” Punches Girl

I see all that time these women spent holding up “REFUGEES WELCOME!!!” signs really paid off.

(Refugees are still welcome, btw.)

Vox News (Google Translate):

On Wednesday evening, a 20-year-old German girl was seriously injured by an immigrant with German citizenship.

The new ‘German’ of 23 years was arrested at the central station in Osnabrück and is currently detained.

According to federal police, who heard witnesses, the 23-year-old deliberately harassed and insulted only white-skinned women.

As reported by the federal police, the suspect spat at the victim and insulted her with these words “I hate all German women” before punching her in the face.

Arriving at the central station in Osnabrück at around 7:45 pm, the young man of 23 then left the train. A courageous witness chased and blocked him until he was arrested by the agents.

The young woman was seriously injured in the face by the attack and ended up in the hospital.

The 23-year-old, known to the police, was taken yesterday in front of a magistrate at the request of the Osnabrück prosecutor’s office and is currently in detention.