Germany: Vibrant Who Stabbed Up Diversity Festival was Supposed to be Deported Last Year

Oh, shit.

The stabber of Diversity Fest was diverse af?

Oh, shit, boy.

Oh, damn.

I ain’t even be expecting the diversity stabber was diverse.

That seems too obvious, boy.



The Syrian asylum seeker suspected of killing three and injuring several others at a “festival of diversity” in Germany on Friday reportedly had a deportation order last year, but authorities failed to remove him from the country.

According to information obtained by German paper of record Die Welt, 26-year-old Issa Al H., the Syrian asylum seeker who surrendered himself to police on Saturday after the mass stabbing in Solingen, was supposed to be deported in 2023.

The suspected terrorist had a removal date scheduled to have him sent to Bulgaria, the country where he first entered the European Union, and therefore, under the Dublin regulations, the country where he should have had his asylum claims processed.

Germans are always trying to deport their garbage to Bulgaria.

The suspect, whose full name cannot be given, does not look 26

I’m not here to white knight for Bulgaria.

But seriously – Germany invited these people.

NB4 “the German people didn’t invite them” – well, the women did. It’s not Bulgaria’s problem. Bulgaria’s Prime Minister never stood up and said “come to me, my Sex-Men” like Angela Merkel did.

That happened.

Merkel invited all these people.

Bulgaria didn’t do that.

However, following his deportation order, Issa Al H. disappeared from his residence in the Western German city of Paderborn. He re-appeared several months later, but rather than removing him, he was reportedly granted “subsidiary protection” for people from countries with civil wars and transferred to a refugee centre in Solingen, where Friday’s attack took place.

Fact Check: there was no civil war in Syria in 2023.

While the suspect was apparently not on the radar of police for extremist leanings, the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) claimed responsibility for the attack in Solingen, claiming that it was intended as an act of revenge against “Christians” for “Muslims in Palestine and around elsewhere.”

The alleged knifeman is also reported to have shouted out the jihadist war cry “Allahu Akbar” during Friday’s attack on the diversity festival, which saw three people killed and eight others injured, including four with life-threatening wounds. The suspected terrorist is said to have specifically targeted the necks of his victims.

Yeah, we’re hearing that now.

Immediately after the stabbing, they did not say he yelled “Allahu Akbar.”

Mourners brought an anal flag to the scene of the crime, of course

They were probably hoping it was a nigger, like in the UK, then they could claim everyone who blamed immigrants was a disinformation artist.

That was so weird in the UK when they were like “false: he’s not an immigrant, he’s a nigger from Rwanda.”

Do you remember when they did that?

It was like “wait, what?”