Germany: Violent Clashes Between Evil Racist Small Town Natives and Poor Starving Moslems Erupt

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
January 17, 2018

This was obviously instigated by the evil racist bigoted lampshade crafting Germans.

These poor starving Moslems would never do this kind of thing unprovoked.

Free West Media:

Five people sustained injuries on Friday night in violent clashes at a residence inhabited by asylum seekers in Wurzen, two of them seriously. According to a police investigations, about 30 young Germans clashed with a smaller group of foreigners.

Two of the Germans were gravely injured by stab wounds to the upper legs, police announced on Saturday. Additionally, three people in the asylum seeker accommodation in Dresdner Straße were lightly injured, police spokesman Andreas Loepki told the Leipziger Volkszeitung.

Police currently cannot rule out a “xenophobic” motive but have not responded to other reports that the migrants at the centre were armed during the confrontation, while the Germans were not. Already last year, police had to intervene in clashes between asylum seekers and Germans.

The skirmishes lasted for about an hour and triggered a large reaction by the police. Some 30 to 40 officers were deployed at the scene. Witness accounts say it all started with a verbal argument between the two groups at the park at the train station, followed by a series of assaults. The asylum seekers then withdrew into their residence in Dresdner Straße. „

“Subsequently, two Germans walked up to the residence, banged on the door, and damaged a glass“, according to Loepki. The two Germans were then chased by the migrants. They eventually found themselves surrounded by a group of 30 locals.

Probably twelve inhabitants, “armed with knives and clubs”, says Loepki, then attacked the unarmed Germans. In the ensuing clash, the two suffered knife wounds to the upper thigh. A taser was used, too, apparently. Several Germans then stormed the residence where further clashes occurred.