Germany: When is “They’re Brainwashed” No Longer an Excuse for Inaction?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 1, 2016

ficki ficki german refugees

The headline is a question which I don’t have an answer to. I am simply asking it, asking the reader to consider it.

We can fairly say that Germans have been more indoctrinated than any group of people on the planet, and the singular goal of this indoctrination has been to encourage them to hate themselves, to view their culture and their history as the epitome of evil.

This was aggressive brainwashing, which followed a scientific model of psychological abuse.


Denazification: It worked basically like this.

As such, we understand why German people hate themselves, and we cannot blame them for this. They were subject to a massive social-engineering process to produce exactly the situation which now exists: they are begging for their own destruction.

The issue here is that after Germany is completely destroyed, it will not matter why the German people went along with it. Destruction is destruction, and when you cease to exist, you cease to exist.

ficki ficki

We must note that besides being brainwashed, Germans are also, on the whole, a very trusting – we might even say naive – people. The individual German is very honest, and as such has a difficult time imagining that someone would lie to him. So, on the outset of this invasion plan, when Merkel told them these were suffering innocents who were so vulnerable, and would be so thankful, they believed her.


But it is now clear that this was a lie. Far from being vulnerable innocents, these people are gangsters and gang-rapists. They are looking for handouts, they are looking to rape and pillage.

Cologne made this clear. It also made clear that the German government is active in a massive conspiracy to protect the invading criminals, including gang-rapists.

The final police report says that 126 girls were gang-raped on New Year’s eve, and the police covered-up all of these crimes. Even after the cover-up was exposed by brave girls willing to speak up about what happened to them, none of the gang-rapists and other types of sex-attackers are being prosecuted.

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And yet, nothing is really happening. There is no revolt. A few people are protesting, but not many, and their demands are not to remove these people, but simply to “restrict further immigration.”

The very light-weight anti-immigration party, the AfD, still only has 10% support in post-Cologne Germany.


“And a woman shall lead them…” -The Bible

So this is going beyond a situation where Germans are simply honest and trusting people, into a situation where it appears they actually want to see their own country destroyed. Obviously that doesn’t go for every German – we here at the Daily Stormer get tens of thousands of visitors from Germany every month (it is in fact #5 in our top ten countries list). But Germany as a society appears to be opting to watch itself be destroyed.

This includes men watching their daughters live in fear of rape, and have a statistical probability of eventually become victims of rape.

rape simulator plus cologne

Also worth noting here: while many people in America and the UK are able to avoid direct interaction with the incoming hordes, the entirety of the German population is now exposed to these people. They are flooding not only cities, but villages with these “asylum seekers,” and all the women live in a state of constant fear.

So, while I understand the argument of “they’re brainwashed,” and agree with it, at this point it isn’t especially relevant. Because a genocide is a genocide, whether you did it accidentally, on purpose, or because someone tricked you into it.

It Doesn’t Matter What I Think

Ultimately, my thoughts and comments on this situation in Germany don’t mean much. Germany is going to do what it’s going to do, nothing I say about it is going to cause them to change their minds about these Moslems.

However, I do believe that the conversation about brainwashing vs. national responsibility is a conversation worth having, as this goes beyond Germany. It is a question we are all going to have to deal with.

I wish Germany only the best. But their lack of a serious reaction to these covered-up gang-rapes appears to indicate they do not have an interest in preserving their nation.