Germany: White Female Anti-Trump Protesters Chant “Allahu Akbar”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 22, 2017

Anti-Trump pussy marchers in Berlin yesterday chanted “Allah Akbar” as part of their anti-Trump statement.

Today, I wrote about how the “pussy” protesters are sexually fixated with Donald Trump.

Yesterday, I wrote about how the feminists are calling in Moslems are sexually fixated with Moslems.

Here in Germany, you have a combination of both phenomenons. These German women are siding with the Moslems as the ultimate conqueror alpha males, against Trump who is an opposition alpha male. They believe that the Moslems can dominate Trump, so they are siding with the Moslems.

I’m hoping that the sexualized nature of all of this feminist action is beginning to sink in through some of the thicker skulls.

I know it is emotionally difficult to process, but you really must simply man up and deal with it.

The entire purpose of the existence of women is to produce children, and secondarily to serve the men that protect them and the children. Unlike men, who are creative, moral and spiritual, they do not have another dimension. As such, their entire being is fixated on things relating to sex and reproduction, along with safety and the securing of physical resources. Everything they do can and must be looked at in these terms, as there is nothing else to them.

Their psyches have been thrown into a tornado pit due to the Jewish nature of our modern society, and they are acting out in an insane manner. But the mechanisms behind this weird action are all primitive and simplistic.