Germany: Wog Kicks Dog, Stabs Its White Owner

Hang on… haven’t I already covered this crime?

Ah, no, that other wog-on-dog attack happened in Belgium.

These vibrants really dislike doggos, don’t they?

Voice of Europe:

A sickening attack on a dog and its owner took place on Tuesday evening in Belsen, Germany.

Around 8:30 pm, a 30-year-old man was walking his two dogs on the pavement in town. At one point he had to pass a stranger.

When the dog’s owner tried to pass the man with his dogs, one of the dogs was kicked for no reason.

According to reports the man asked why his dog was kicked and then things escalated quickly. A dispute developed and the stranger punched him in the face.

Afterwards, two other men came up and attacked the victim from behind. As the dog owner tried to defend himself the first attacker pulled a knife and tried to stab him.

In an attempt to fend off the slashes, the victim sustained several cuts and fell. After which, the three men kicked his head and torso repeatedly while he was lying on the ground, and then fled.

The 30-year-old was able to phone the emergency services and was taken to hospital. As police were unable to find the attackers, they are now looking for witnesses and clues to the attackers’ identities.

According to the dog owner the men spoke in a foreign language. The man with the knife is described as dark-skinned, possibly with dreadlocks.

One of the other two men wore bright trainers and all three spoke in a foreign language.