Germany: Woman Raped at Bus Stop by Migrants

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 1, 2017

There’s a famous old parable about bushels: each one has a few bad apples.

And apples are just like people.

So, if you bring in 2 million people from some random bunch of countries, about 50-100 thousand of them are going to be brutal gang-rapists.

It’s just basic math.

If Germany had brought in 2 million people from Iceland or Japan, this same thing would be happening. All people are exactly the same, and about 10% are brutal gang-rapists.


A woman from Berlin (31) was apparently raped in Leverkusen on the night of Sunday.

According to the police, the woman haggled as a hippie had been found crying at the end of the street, crying by the people at the roadside. She reported that she had been harassed by three men on a meadow near the stop “Leverkusen-Lützenkirchenhütte”. One of them had raped her. The trio had fled after the action.

The men, according to the victim, are 20 to 30 years old, look Mediterranean and wore dark clothes.

Blonde-haired ethnic Germans randomly rape women at bus stops too.

It just doesn’t get reported because of the white supremacist media in Germany.