Germany: Woman to Potentially Face Five Years in Prison for Wearing ‘University of Auschwitz, 1941’ T-Shirt

Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
March 18, 2015

Don't these evil bigots deserve to be stoned or something? Their kind is a cancer to society.
Don’t these evil bigots deserve to be stoned or something? Their kind is a cancer to society.

A woman who attended an anti-Islam rally with her husband last month could potentially be sent to prison for five years after sporting a t-shirt with the words “University [of] Auschwitz, est. 1941.”

In addition, the t-shirt depicted a silhouette of the camp’s main entrance building along with “genetics, racial science, Final Solution” as probable “courses.”


The woman was filmed wearing the T-shirt at a rally in Cologne last October, when she gave an interview to a camera crew from Germany’s Vice magazine.

Asked by the interviewer what the T-shirt meant, she replied: “Good question. That was my husband…I have no idea.”

A man who appeared to be the woman’s husband was also filmed.

They were taking part in a rally organised by a group calling itself Hooligans against Salafism, or HoGeSa, which claimed to be against the rise of hardline Salafist Islam in Germany.