Germany: Women Voted for Mass Invasion of Brown Men, Again

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 26, 2017

Across the Western world, we have had in the last years elections which were effectively referendums on massive nonwhite immigration, and there has been one notable constant: women always vote in favor of these invasions by a massive margin.

In Germany, men were nearly twice as likely to vote for anti-immigration AfD than women.

This happened last year in Austria:

And in the United States of America:

As I have noted endlessly, 90% of whites – in any country – at pro-immigration demonstrations are female.

I have said before that this is because most white women are obsessed with the easy availability of black cock. This is of course hyperbolic.

In actual reality, what women are obsessed with is maximizing their sexual market value, and by drastically increasing the number of single men, they naturally do that. No doubt many of them are sexually interested in these “dominant” brown men coming in and cucking our entire civilization. But all of the single ones are interested in maximizing perceived sexual market value.

I can guarantee you that if the army of nonwhites marching in was Thai hookers, you wouldn’t have women getting this excited about it.

It is absolutely sexual. Regardless of how uncomfortable that may make you feel.

This is why women voting – or having any role whatsoever in public life – is such an insane concept. They do not think using reason, but make decisions based on feelings. And these feelings are necessarily non-objective or even disguised as objective.

They are just feelings.

A society where all decision-making is based on feelings cannot possibly turn-out well.