Get Hype For a BLOOD BATH on Super Bowl Sunday

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
February 2, 2018

Apparently the biggest Sportsball event in America is coming up this Sunday. Can’t say that I follow football – just never got into it – so the news caught me off guard. There are just so many rules I don’t understand and so many commercials. And I’m not singling football out here. There are a lot of sports I just can’t get into like lacrosse or water polo or curling.

…also, let’s be real, there’s the nigger factor. I could NEVER get into watching niggers run around on the field.

But millions of Americans LOVE the super bowl so this is a big deal.

And of course, the J-Left is taking the opportunity to shove BLM propaganda down normiecons throats.

This is fantastic news. Moar pls.


No one knows for sure whether anyone will take a knee inside the Super Bowl on Sunday. However, it’s now clear that many will in fact kneel in protest, outside the stadium.

The Take a Knee Conference and Rally, will meet outside U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis on Saturday, and continue holding events on through Super Bowl Sunday.

U.S. Bank Stadium is not far from where Philando Castile was shot and killed by police in July of 2016. That incident, filmed by Castile’s girlfriend, went viral after it appeared on Facebook. The Castile shooting, among other incidents, inspired Kaepernick to launch his protest movement in the preseason of that year.

Castile’s mother will also attend the event, according to Sporting News.

Everyone knows that the parking lot is where the real action goes down. People grill stuff out of the back of their cars. They drink Bud and take LSD.

I bet some brawls go down at this thing.

If Sportsbros have any fight left in them, it’ll come out this weekend when they’re blitzed on Bud, everyone’s waiting in line for the porta-potties and BLM is yelling shit at them over the megaphone.

According to Sporting News, “More than a dozen organizations, from inside and outside of Minnesota, have planned the conference and will take part in the demonstration, which will conclude with a rally about two blocks from the stadium’s west entrance. Some participants plan a march from downtown to the stadium as well.

Whoo boy.

This is going be BIG. Let’s hope that the Amerikaner Sportsball fan has some fight left in him come this Sunday.